I´m like a speed junkie, I want to get to know every car, says Jorden Dolischka

I´m like a speed junkie, I want to get to know every car, says Jorden Dolischka

28. 6. 2024 0 News ,

Jorden Dolishka is the new member of the Mertel Motorsport driver lineup in this season of TCR Eastern Europe. She entered the touring car world without much experience before, but is facing the challenges with high determination.

What motivated you to pursue a career in motorsports? Did your family have a big influence on you?
My motivation is my whole family because my mom was also a racing driver. For me, it’s important to make my way as a girl in motorsport.

You have been racing in karts, single-seaters, and now touring cars. Which type of racing car impressed you most and why?
I have raced several types of cars, but they are all very impressive. I’m like a speed junkie; I want to get to know every car and see how they behave.

What brought you to TCR Eastern Europe?
Well, it’s quite a funny story. I was racing my first and only race with the Suzuki at Slovakia Ring, and at the drivers‘ meeting, one of the bosses from Mertel Motorsport talked to me, and then we had a meeting.

How is the experience with TCR Eastern Europe so far?
I like the car, and my team is really trying their best for me…but it’s a bit tricky because I have less experience in touring cars, so it’s completely new territory for me.

What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced this season?
To improve and to work harder than I thought. The biggest challenge for me is also to get the car as fast as I can because I had no test before my first race. And there isn’t a lot of money that I can bring for tests, so I need to work faster and harder over the race weekends.

Did you have any memorable moments on the track this year?
Well, every race is memorable for me because you never know what will come up on a weekend.

What’s it like working with teammates René Kircher and Davit Kajaia?
I really like them as teammates. They help me to improve and give me every single tip they know. I think they don’t see me as a competitor; they want to see me grow (as the whole team does).

What advice would you give to young aspiring female racers?
Young girls should make their own way in this sport…we need many more girls in this sport, no matter if many people think this is a man’s sport. I want to show that women can do the same thing as men…but it’s important for me to go my own way in this sport because so many people are the wrong persons and just see the money.