Spectacular finale, win for Kout and title for Maťo Homola

Spectacular finale, win for Kout and title for Maťo Homola

22. 9. 2024 0 News , ,

The final race of the TCR Eastern Europe season at Salzburgring was a thrilling spectacle. Adam Kout won the race after starting from last place, battling for every position. Maťo Homola finished third, which was enough for him to secure his second title in a row.

Jiří Zbožínek from Hyundai Janík Motorsport started from pole position, with Jorden Dolischka from Mertel Motorsport alongside him. The second row was occupied by Žarko Knego and championship leader Maťo Homola. Ivars Vallers and Petr Čížek started from the third row, with René Kircher and Giacomo Ghermandi on the fourth. Homola’s teammate and championship contender, Adam Kout, started ninth, alongside Fraňo Dubreta.

Žarko Knego made a superb start, shooting into the lead with Zbožínek second, Ghermandi third, and Homola fourth. Unfortunately, Kout stalled the engine and started with a notable delay, but he soon caught up with the field, which was still tightly packed.

Ghermandi took the lead on the second lap, with Knego second and Homola third. However, Vallers had other plans and overtook both Homola and Knego for second. Soon after, Homola found his mirrors full of Kout. Kout executed a brilliant overtake at the first chicane, moving up to fourth, while Kircher seized the opportunity to overtake Homola as well.

Kout then attacked Knego but outbraked himself at the first chicane, taking the escape road and losing two positions. However, he made an unbelievable manoeuvre on the back straight, passing both Knego and Kircher three-wide and quickly moving up to third.

As the race entered its closing stages, Kout began closing the gap to second-placed Vallers, while Ghermandi maintained a comfortable lead. However, when Ghermandi braked into the first chicane, he locked up, crossed the gravel trap, and retired the car. At the same time, Kout passed Vallers to take the lead.

The final order was Kout, Vallers, and Homola, which was a safe position for Homola to clinch the title. René Kircher finished fourth, with Petr Čížek in fifth. Sixth place went to Knego, followed by Zbožínek and Dolischka.

TCR Eastern Europe – Race 2