Milovanović doesn´t rule out TCR Eastern Europe return

Milovanović doesn´t rule out TCR Eastern Europe return

10. 4. 2021 0 News

Nemanja Milovanović doesn´t rule out the option he will return to TCR Eastern Europe this season. He made his debut in this championship in Grobnik last year.

During the opening round of 2020 TCR Eastern Europe season in Grobnik, we could see Nemanja Milovanović in action. It was his first and at the same time the last start in TCR Eastern Europe. But the Serbian driver doesn´t rule out the option he will return to the series during this year.

„We are preparing now and we have not made a decision yet. TCR Eastern Europe is one of the solutions, but we are still waiting to see what budget we will have available. The pandemic dictates everything. So we don´t know anything yet“, says Milovanović.

Nemanja Milovanović will maybe return to TCR Eastern Europe this year. Photo: Nemanja Milovanović/Facebook

Last year, Milovanović raced with Cupra Leon TCR car for GM Racing Team. And he didn´t leave Croatia empty-handed then. He scored two points for 9th place in the first race weekend. In second race, he was 11th.

Opening photo: Nemanja Milovanović/Facebook